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  実績 2013年

  • Sawabata N. Locoregional recurrence after pulmonary sublobar resection of non-small cell lung cancer: can it be reduced by considering cancer cells at the surgical margin? Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2013;61:9-16.
  • Sawabata N. Is segmentectomy suitable for solid-type lung cancer? J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2013;146:728-9.
  • Shintani Y, Funaki S, Nakagiri T, Inoue M, Sawabata N, Minami M, Kadota Y, Okumura M. Experience with thoracoscopic resection for mediastinal mature teratoma: a retrospective analysis of 15 patients. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2013;16:441-444.
  • Shintani Y, Abulaiti A, Kimura T, Funaki S, Nakagiri T, Inoue M, Sawabata N, Minami M, Morii E, Okumura M. Pulmonary fibroblasts induce epithelial mesenchymal transition and some characteristics of stem cells in non-small cell lung cancer. Ann Thorac Surg. 2013;96:425-33.
  • Shintani Y, Ohta M, Iwasaki T, Ikeda N, Tomita E, Kawahara K. Pulmonary pleomorphic carcinoma with rapid progression. Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals. 2013;21:231-234.
  • Lee J, Nakagiri T, Kamimura D, Harada M, Oto T, Susaki Y, Shintani Y, Inoue M, Miyoshi S, Morii E, Hirano T, Murakami M, Okumura M. IL-6 amplifier activation in epitherial resions of bronchi after allogenic lung transplantation. International Immunology. 2013;25:319-332.
  • Nakagiri T, Okumura M. Huge thymoma obstructing view of mediastinal cervical vessels. Clinical Case Reports. 2013;15:1-2.
  • Nakagiri T, Minami M, Inoue M, Funaki S, Shintani Y, Okumura M. Risk of major hemorrhage in bilateral lung transplantation for chronic thromboemlic pulmonary hypertention: a case report. Open Journal of Ogan Transplant Surgery. 2013;3:65-67.
  • Nakagiri T, Inoue M, Minami M, Hoshikawa Y, Chida M, Bando T, Oto T, Shiraishi T, Yamasaki N, Ashkari J, Sawa Y, Okumura M. Interim report of the Japanese original donor evaluation and management system: the medical consultant system. Surgery Today. 2013;Epub.
  • Funaki.S, Sawabata N, Abulaiti A, Nakagiri T, Shintani Y, Inoue M, Minami M, Okumura M. Significance of tumour vessel invasion in determining the morphology of isolated tumour cells in the pulmonary vein in non-small-cell lung cancer. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2013;43:1126-30.
  • Kawamura T, Tanaka Y, Shigemura N, Toyoda Y, Nakao A. Experimental Organ Transplantation: Rat lung transplantation. Experimental Organ transplantation (Chapter ; Lung transplantation in rats). 2013;Chapter11:159.
  • Kawamura T, Wakabayashi N, Shigemura N, Huang CS, Masutani K, Tanaka Y, Noda K, Takahashi T, Billiar TR, Okumura M, Toyoda Y, Kensler TW, Nakao A. Hydrogen gas reduces hyperoxic lung injury via the Nrf2 pathway in vivo. American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology. 2013;304:L646-L656.
  • Nojiri T, Inoue M, Maeda H, Takeuchi Y, Sawabata N, Shintani Y, Yamamoto K, Okumura M. Low-dose human atrial natriuretic peptide for the prevention of postoperative cardiopulmonary complications in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients undergoing lung cancer surgery. Eur J Cardiothoracic Surg. 2013;44:98-103.
  • Nojiri T, Inoue M, Yamamoto K, Maeda H, Takeuchi Y, Nakagiri T, Shintani Y, Minami M, Sawabata N, Okumura M. Inhaled tiotropium for preventing postoperative cardiopulmonary complications in patients with newly diagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease requiring lung cancer surgery. Surg Today. 2013.
  • Kanzaki R, Yano M, Motoori M, Kishi K, Miyashiro I, Yoshino K, Tomita Y, Ishikawa O. Boerhaave's syndrome in a tracheoesophageal speaker: report of a case. Surg Today. 2013;epub.
  • Kanzaki R, Inoue M, Minami M, Shintani Y, Nakagiri T, Funaki S, Kogo M, Yura Y, Inohara H, Sawabata N, Okumura M. Surgery for pulmonary malignancies in patients with a previous history of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Surg Today. 2013;epub.
  • Kanzaki R, Inoue M, Minami M, Sawabata N, Shintani Y, Nakagiri T, Okumura M. Bilateral mediastinal neurofibroma of the vagus nerves in a patient with neurofibromatosis type 1. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2013;19:293.
  • Kimura T, Inoue M, Kadota Y, Shiono H, Shintani Y, Nakagiri T, Funaki S, Sawabata N, Minami M, Okumura M. The oncological feasibility and limitations of video-assisted thoracoscopic thymectomy for early-stage thymomas. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2013;44:e214-8.
  • Fujiwara A, Bilateral ovarian metastasis of non-small cell lung cancer with ALK rearrangement. Lung cancer. 2013.
  • Abulaiti A, Shintani Y, Funaki S, Nakagiri T, Inoue M, Sawabata N, Minami M, Okumura M. Interaction between non-small-cell lung cancer cells and fibroblasts via enhancement of TGF-β signaling by IL-6. Lung Cancer. 2013;82:204-213.
  • Ose N, Inoue M, Morii E, Shintani Y, Sawabata N, Okumura M. Multimodality therapy for large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the thymus. Ann Thorac Surg. 2013;96:e85-87.
  • Kawase A, Yoshida J, Miyaoka E, Asamura H, Fujii Y, Nakanishi Y, Eguchi K, Mori M, Sawabata N, Okumura M, Yokoi K; Japanese Joint Committee of Lung Cancer Registry. Visceral pleural invasion classification in non-small-cell lung cancer in the 7th edition of the tumor, node, metastasis classification for lung cancer: validation analysis based on a large-scale nationwide database. J Thorac Oncol. 2013;8:606-611.
  • Sakurai H, Asamura H, Miyaoka E, Yoshino I, Fujii Y, Nakanishi Y, Eguchi K, Mori M, Sawabata N, Okumura M, Yokoi K; for the Japanese Joint Committee of Lung Cancer Registry. Differences in the prognosis of resected lung adenocarcinoma according to the histological subtype: a retrospective analysis of Japanese lung cancer registry data. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2013;Epub ahead of print.
  • Watanabe S, Asamura H, Miyaoka E, Okumura M, Yoshino I, Fujii Y, Nakanishi Y, Eguchi K, Mori M, Sawabata N, Yokoi K; Japanese Joint Committee of Lung Cancer Registry. Results of T4 surgical cases in the Japanese Lung Cancer Registry Study: should mediastinal fat tissue invasion really be included in the T4 category? J Thorac Oncol. 2013;8:759-764.
  • Noda K, Tanaka Y, Shigemura N, Kawamura T, Wang Y, Masutani K, Sun X, Toyoda Y, Bermudez CA, Nakao A. A novel method of preserving cardiac grafts using a hydrogen-rich water bath. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2013;32(2):241-50.
  • Lim SH, Lee S, Noda K, Kawamura T, Tanaka Y, Shigemura N, Nakao A, Toyoda Y. Adenosine injection prior to cardioplagia enhances preservation of senescent hearts in rat heterotopic heart transplantation. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2013;43(6):1202-8.
  • Nagoya A, Kanzaki R, Nakagiri T, Inoue M, Susaki Y, Inoue S, Okumura M. Ectopic Cervical Thymoma Accompanied by Good's Syndrome. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2013;epub.
  • Oto T, Okada Y, Bando T, Minami M, Shiraishi T, Nagayasu T, Chida M, Okumura M, Date H, Miyoshi S, Kondo T. Registry of the Japanese society of lung and heart-lung transplantation: the official Japanese lung transplantation report 2012. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2013;61:208-211.
  • Sumioka S, Sawai NY, Kishino M, Ishihama K, Minami M, Okura M. Risk factors for distant metastasis in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2013;71:1291-1297.
  • 奥村明之進, 南 正人, 澤端章好, 井上匡美, 新谷 康, 中桐伴行, 舟木壮一郎, 須崎剛行. 胸腺悪性腫瘍の診療のための基本的知識と留意点. 日本胸部臨床. 2013;72:576-586.
  • 奥村明之進, 南 正人, 澤端章好, 井上匡美, 新谷 康, 中桐伴行, 舟木壮一郎, 須崎剛行. 胸腺上皮性腫瘍に対する外科治療の考え方. 日本胸部臨床. 2013;72:605-618.
  • 奥村明之進, 南 正人, 澤端章好, 井上匡美, 新谷 康, 中桐伴行, 舟木壮一郎, 川村知裕. 胸腺上皮性腫瘍の集学的治療. 呼吸器内科. 2013;24:142-151.
  • 奥村明之進, 澤 芳樹. 心肺移植の適応・術式・成績. 移植. 2013;48:192-200.
  • 奥村明之進, 系統小児外科学. 2013;244-251.
  • 奥村明之進. 縦隔疾患に伴う胸水. 胸膜全書. 2013;213-218.
  • 南 正人, 奥村明之進. 肺移植における再移植(死体肺移植). 胸部外科. 2013;66:727-731.
  • 井上匡美, 新谷康, 中桐伴行, 舟木壮一郎, 須ア剛行, 澤端章好, 南正人, 奥村明之進. 胸腺腫術後再発に対する治療成績. 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌. 2013;27:799-804.
  • 井上匡美. 術後心房細動に対する最近の治療:術後不整脈のマネージメント. Progress in Medicine. 2013;33:671-684.
  • 新谷 康, 南正人, 澤端章好, 井上匡美, 中桐伴行, 舟木壮一郎, 奥村明之進. ポータブル型胸腔ドレナージ装置(トパーズ)の臨床使用試験. 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌. 2013;27:120-126.
  • 新谷 康, 須崎剛行, 舟木壮一郎, 中桐伴行, 井上匡美, 澤端章好, 南正人, 奥村明之進. フィブロガミンP症例 呼吸器外科領域 ポータブル型胸腔ドレーン吸引機(トパーズ)を用いた肺切除後エアリークに対するフィブロガミンP投与効果の観察. Med Torch. 2013;9:63-65.
  • 中桐伴行. 僕と肺移植の関わり. 今日の移植. 2013;26:384-385.
  • Kawamura T, Wakabayashi N, Shigemura N, Huang CS, Masutani K, Tanaka Y, Noda K, Takahashi T, Billiar TR, Okumura M, Toyoda Y, Kensler TW, Nakao A. 水素ガスはin vivo でNrf2 シグナルを活性化することにより高濃度酸素肺傷害を減少させる. 住友精化医療ガス情報ファイル. 2013.
  • 桃實 徹, 小林 良司, 大瀬 尚子, 林 明男, 竹内 幸康, 前田 元. 肺門部に発生した肺過誤腫に対する胸腔鏡下核出術の1例. 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌. 2013;27:738-741.
